How to Increase your Energy for a Better You

Posted: January 2021

Think of your energy as a limited resource, like money in an account. You begin the day with a certain amount to spend, while you may not always have control over activities that deplete your energy, you can take steps to deposit more energy into your account.

Follow these 7 tips to increase your energy and live a happier, healthier, more productive life:

A balanced diet high in fruits and vegetables, lean protein, low-fat dairy and whole grains is what you need for optimal energy. Consume a variety of foods from all the food groups to get a range of nutrients to energize you throughout the day.

Sleep deprivation can perpetuate serious health conditions, as well as negatively affect your mood, motivation and energy levels. Prioritizing sleep is one of the best things you can do to set yourself up for a successful, energized day.

Connecting with others who radiate positivity and have similar interests will excite and energize you. On the flip side, people you don‘t relate to or who have negative outlooks, complain often or make poor choices will only drain your energy account. Be selective in the company you keep.

The news is an important way to stay connected to what‘s happening in the world. It can be educational, entertaining and even uplifting. Unfortunately, the news too frequently is bombarded with stories of suffering, which can affect your overall mood and outlook in life. You can‘t avoid these stories altogether, but try to minimize your exposure when you can, especially during trying times.

Exercise along with good stretching relieves stress and tension, strengthens muscles and boosts endurance and flexibility, which helps your body to work more efficiently during other physical tasks or activities.

Do something you enjoy every day, even if it‘s something as simple as cooking a healthy meal or listening to your favorite song. Putting effort into the things that matter most to you will help you utilize and reserve your energy in ways that will bring out the best in you.

Maintaining a compassionate mindset is another way to conserve energy. One example of practicing this way of thinking is called kind attention. This positive act can keep you from judging that person. Judging others can cause us to place judgment on ourselves, and that type of negative internal dialogue can be exhausting.

You‘ll feel better with each step you take toward this important self-care investment.
